Sunday, April 6, 2014

ROEHSOFT RAM Expander (SWAP) v3.19 patched

This is very powerful output stop ever ! Very exclusive only here in the game store !
insufficient RAM , memory is too small ? Use an SD card Be those who make the memory card ! A kind of memory manager that mark life easier people ... When you consider
A fantastic programmer once said not enough RAM RAM - only - help. Influenced so how appropriate that specific individuals received.
/ > ROEHSOFT Ram Expander is very efficient than any other of the great tool of its kind Why ? 1 out!
ROEHSOFT lull extension support via the widget to speed very lightning out of the extended RAM.
What's New / >
bugs, 3.19 and 3.18 MemInfo file selector updated
3.17 France Language are added / >

Require 1.6 Up Size 6.3Mb < / b>

Google Play
/ > APK


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