Friday, March 14, 2014

Puffin Web Browser - v3.5.11554 APK

Puffin Web Browser - v3.5.11554 APK

March 2, 2014
< hr class = " hr - styled " style = " margin-left : 0px; margin-right : auto; width: 20% ; "/> current Version:
< hr class =" hr - styled "style = " margin-left : 0px; margin-right : auto; width: 20% ; "/> Size
< hr class =" hr - styled " style =" margin -left: 0px; margin-right : auto; width: 20% ; "/>
Requires Android < b>
2.3 and more
< hr class = " hr - styled " style = "margin- left: 0px ; margin-right : auto; width: 20% ; " / >
Puffin Web Browser is the Quick bad flash mobile browser. Once users experience the thrill of using puffin, ordinary mobile Internet rightly feels like torture
/ > Features: .
incredible speed of loading pages and REPORT
Adobe Flash support ( also runs on Android 4.4)
Download the cloud ( up to 100m per lap ) of
the Theater mode for Flash games and virtual trackpad

Add gamepad and videos - on functions (Pocket, Evernote , Facebook, and translator )
color theme for the toolbar and sidebar
faster JavaScript engine
full web experience ( desktop and mobile view / >
limitations ========
* centers movers Puffin Web Browser lull in the United States and the cloud servers can not access public Web sites geolocations United States .
* for users outside the United States, contained local , including local videos of interest, consistent not be accessed from the United States because of geographical constraints in the country of residence.
* Puffin is blocked in some countries (eg , China, Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates ) and culminated in schools (eg the United States ) .
Any new Flash engine on the cloud
- Support the latest version of Adobe Flash Player 11.9
- Support Flash video in full screen mode
- Support dynamic control of the quality of Flash video
< / td>
< / td>
If you want to download the APK App: Puffin Web Browser - v3.5.11554 APKPuffin Web Browser - v3. ACP 5.11554 Andrew , click the following links ( Wait 5 dried , then click "Place an ad " to go to the download page ) .

Google Play Link Puffin Web Browser - v3.5.11554 APK

- TusFiles - < / b> < / center>
Download Now
Size: ( 17 MB)

- ManyUploading - < / b>
Download Now
Size: ( 17 MB )

- Zippyshare - < / b>
Download Now < / center>
Size: ( 17 MB )
< hr class = " hr - styled " style = "margin -left : auto; margin-right : auto; width: 20% ; "/>

APK Install and Enjoy .
- v3.0.10154M ACP : HugeFiles Zippyshare
< hr class = " hr - styled " style = " margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; width: 100% ; "/> - v3.0.9864 APK : Sharebeast Zippyshare < / b>

- v2. 4.9076 APK : Sharebeast Zippyshare
Puffin Web Browser - v3.5.11554 APK


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